Alex Bordei is a developer turned Product Manager. He has been developing infrastructure products for over ten years. Before becoming Bigstep’s Director of Product and Development, he was one of the core developers for Hostway Corporation’s provisioning platform. He then focused on defining and developing products for Hostway’s EMEA market and was one of the pioneers of virtualization in the company. After successfully launching two public clouds based on VMware software, he created the first prototype of the Bigstep platform, in 2011. He is engaged in mapping out ever more useful perspectives on the big data paradigm in order to encourage exploration and innovation through big data.
All sessions by Alex Bordei
Using Metalsoft and Terraform to Deploy Edge Sites
Technical Track
Cutting Data Processing Costs with Your Own Automated Infrastructure
Big Data DevOps & Infrastructure
Building Flexible & Affordable Infrastructure for Private LLMs
ELI: AI-Assisted Network Diagnosis at MetalSoft